fine. old. kentucky.

fine. old. kentucky.

Our story is a kentucky story, right from the start. the family who built the tavern found their land in what is now garrard county with the help of daniel boone.

The tavern hosted many of historys greats; from american explorers and freedom fighters, to entertainers and entrepreneurs. the taverns epic journey continued alongside william berkeles thriving whiskey distillery, using water from the natural spring that still exists there today.

Then a welcome respite for weary travelers along the wilderness road, now burnt tavern provides a warm hearth to gather round, enjoy fine bourbon, and share tales of adventure.

Our story is a kentucky story, right from the start. the family who built the tavern found their land in what is now garrard county with the help of daniel boone.

The tavern hosted many of history’s greats; from american explorers and freedom fighters, to entertainers and entrepreneurs. the tavern’s epic journey continued alongside william berkele’s thriving whiskey distillery, using water from the natural spring that still exists there today.

Then a welcome respite for weary travelers along the wilderness road, now burnt tavern provides a warm hearth to gather round, enjoy fine bourbon, and share tales of adventure.



With the help of Daniel Boone, James Smith came to KY from Virginia on a settlers expedition


James Smith purchased 400 acres of land and built a log cabin near a sinking spring


Henry Smith, the first governor of Texas, was raised at Burnt Tavern


Edmond Smith, Henry’s oldest brother, rebuilt the tavern using brick after the first fire

early 1800s

Burnt Tavern becomes a famous roadhouse along Zane’s Trace, the path to the American frontier

Jenny Lind Singer

Jenny Lind, the famed Swedish Opera Singer, stops at Burnt Tavern on her American Tour

mid 1850

There was a 2nd fire and the Tavern was rebuilt again from one wing of the house that survived


William Berkele buys part of the land near the Tavern with access to the spring and starts making whiskey